Interview: Ryan Hauck, Executive Director of Cody Yellowstone


Yellowstone National Park grabs most of the headlines in this part of Wyoming, and with good reason.

Each year millions of visitors flock to its entrances, digital cameras and somewhat-sticky children in hand, all jostling to catch a glimpse of the grand majesty of our nation’s first national park.

The park, created on March 1, 1872, sells itself.

Ryan Hauck, the Executive Director of the Park County Travel Council (simply known as Cody Yellowstone), is charged with making sure the rest of the surrounding areas are equally represented in the national spotlight.

The area, which includes the communities of Powell, Meeteetse, Cody, and East Yellowstone Valley (in addition to Yellowstone National Park) hosts an incredible variety of unique places to stay, eat, and play.

In this interview with the Full Metal Traveler, Hauck explains the mission behind the Travel Council, all the amazing options for travelers to the area, advice for first time visitors, and recent additions such as the Sippin’ Trail.