Interview: Maxine Fensom, Las Vegas Cannabis Weddings

Serial entrepreneur and ‘The First Lady of Cannabis’, Maxine Fensom, has spent her life bucking social norms.

She’s one of the most recognizable faces in the adult entertainment industry, raising companies and staking claims in an industry that has been dominated by men for generations.

Through these hard-fought battles and travels around the world, Fensom has earned a reputation as both an innovator and educator, not just wanting to sell products but also to enlighten those around her who may have preconceived prejudices concerning her areas of business.

Enter her most recent endeavors: Las Vegas Cannabis Tours and Las Vegas Cannabis Weddings.

When cannabis became legalized in 2017 in Nevada, it was only a matter of time before these two things would eventually dot the landscape of Sin City.

It only seems fitting that ‘The First Lady of Cannabis’ would be the one to do it.

Thank you to BrandBomb PR for making this interview with Maxine possible.

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