I like to travel to places I find interesting, fully believing that not every trip needs to be an Instagrammable mountain pose followed by copy-and-pasted inspirational quote.
When I get to these places, I like to kick back and enjoy a good cocktail. But not just any cocktail. An Old Fashioned.
In fact, fair or not, I judge a lot of places on their ability (or more specifically their bartenders ability) to make a great drink, or miss the mark completely.
Then I blog about it because why not?
March 2019.
Vancouver is one of my favorite cities in the world.
The local surroundings are simply stunning. The city is clean, vibrant and has a tangible energy to it. Plus, the people are friendly and hospitable.
Vancouver, like Seattle, is a city that is trending with younger, more progressive generations and has turned into a melting pot for peoples from all over the world.
This helps with diverse cultural and food offerings.
Believe it or not, it helps with whisky as well. (Whisky is commonly referred to as rye in Canada thanks to the rye grain Canadian distillers started adding to their whisky products)

Whenever I travel I like to get as local as possible with food and spirits, so I asked a bartender at the Top of Vancouver restaurant which Canadian whisky he would recommend.
“Forty Creek, without a doubt,” he said to me. “But unfortunately we’re out.”
“But we do have Pike Creek, and that’s not a bad thing.”
Some wise bartender in Vancouver
Whisky in a glass is never a bad thing my friend.
The Pike Creek Old Fashioned was the perfect night cap on a beautiful evening in this amazing city. Pike Creek has a rich, full bodied flavor. It’s not overly heavy but has plenty of pleasant flavor.
The bartender mixed it well, being careful not to water it down or overcompensating with bitters or garnish. He / She let the whisky do the talking and rightfully so.
I only had one, which is a shame, but we had a long day and I didn’t want to pass out at the table (I think they charge extra for that in Canada).
What a wonderful night.
Score: 7/10