I like to travel to places I find interesting, fully believing that not every trip needs to be an Instagrammable mountain pose followed by copy-and-pasted inspirational quote.
When I get to these places, I like to kick back and enjoy a good cocktail. But not just any cocktail. An Old Fashioned.
In fact, fair or not, I judge a lot of places on their ability (or more specifically their bartenders ability) to make a great drink, or miss the mark completely.
Then I blog about it because why not?
June 2019.
One of my absolute favorite places to dine on the Strip right now is SUSHISAMBA.
The restaurant is located in the Venetian and is everything you might expect from a gourmet Strip eatery: the visuals pop, the menu is incredible, and the cocktails are next-level.
I ordered an Old Fashioned with Mars Iwai whisky, a fine starter for Japanese whisky but definitely not the most refined. What can I say? I was a baller on a budget this night.

The cocktail itself was blended just fine, it’s really the whisky itself that doesn’t quite hold up.
It’s decently smooth going down, but there remain a bit of an aftertaste with the alcohol that can make too much of it turn into a terrible idea.
I’m not a whiskey or whisky snob. So don’t let this post turn you off to sipping on Mars Iwai whisky in the future, but if you have the money there are better buys for your palate.
One drink was sufficient for this evening.
Score: 5/10