Cool River; The restaurant, not the cologne

I like to travel to places I find interesting, fully believing that not every trip needs to be an Instagrammable mountain pose followed by copy-and-pasted inspirational quote.

I like to travel to places I find interesting, fully believing that not every trip needs to be an Instagrammable mountain pose followed by copy-and-pasted inspirational quote.

When I get to these places, I like to kick back and enjoy a good cocktail. But not just any cocktail. An Old Fashioned.

In fact, fair or not, I judge a lot of places on their ability (or more specifically their bartenders ability) to make a great drink, or miss the mark completely.

Then I blog about it because why not?

January 2018.

This was a whirlwind of a work trip!

A redeye Tuesday night to Dallas, just to shoot all Wednesday with another redeye that night to get back into the office on Thursday.


I really wish I could remember more about this drink but much like this trip, I can’t recall too many details other than the fact I would rather not do either one again.

Weak sauce. / Cool River – Dallas

House bourbon, a bit weak, and only one ordered.

The restaurant, Cool River, was a nice enough steak house, but it was packed that evening, plus we had a party of about 40 people with us.

I’m sure the drink was rushed, so I can’t be too picky.

Overall, though, a busy bar should not poison the well for everyone.

Score: 3/10