If you’ve traveled to or from a major airport in the U.S. within the last two years you’ve probably noticed the signs for “CLEAR” as you’ve stood in line wondering what you did wrong to deserve the TSA screening process.
Then, just when you’re about to lose it because you can’t figure out how much 3-ounces is and if you need to throw your half-eaten Chipotle burrito away, you see some jerk walk to the front of the line and head straight to the not-invasive-at-all pat downs and shoe inspections.
That particular jerk? Yeah, that’s me.
No, I didn’t bribe anyone and I’m not special in any way.
I just use CLEAR.
Basically it works like this: Instead of using traditional ID documents, CLEAR uses biometrics – your eyes and fingertips – to confirm your identity.
You start by going to the CLEAR website and sign up there. Make sure your legal name matches what’s on your photo ID (driver’s license or passport). Then you’ll set an appointment to head to the airport to finish the sign-up process. It took me less than 10 minutes for them to scan my eyes and finger prints to get me ready to go.
Then, when you get ready to travel…
You simply walk to a CLEAR stand, they scan your fingertips or eyes, your boarding pass pops up and you’re walked to the front of the screening line.

The price point for my wife and I to renew CLEAR this year was @ $200 total. I don’t know if this will work for you because I don’t know your budget, but for us, it’s 100% worth it. Why?
Skipping the screening line and getting through security in a hurry has saved me from missing my flight AT LEAST six times since I started using CLEAR. Yes, I’m irresponsible sometimes.
Beyond that, when you’re traveling, you’re usually waiting in lines for everything anyway (have you noticed that? I have.), so one less line to wait in, especially in an airport, is fine by me.
If you don’t travel often, I wouldn’t spend the money at this time. CLEAR is in a number of airports across the country but if you only travel once or twice a year you probably aren’t going to get your money’s worth.
My travel schedule has ramped up dramatically within the last two years and my wife often travels for work, so it makes sense for us. She also couples it with TSA Pre-Check and zooms through security in a matter of minutes.
CLEAR is expanding to more and more airports (40+ so far) and is even starting to pop up at stadiums like San Francisco’s Oracle Park (formerly AT&T Stadium). So it doesn’t seem to be something that’s going away any time soon.
My recommendation? If you’re a frequent or semi-frequent domestic traveler who doesn’t want to be held to the standard “get there 2 hours before your flight rule” (I usually get to the airport 45 minutes before my flight boards now), and you don’t mind the price, then this is for you.
If you don’t travel domestically more than twice a year, I would save the money and just deal with the line.
For me it makes sense and I’m really glad I have it.