As a travel writer, I have the honor of writing for national publications about beautiful places worldwide. Below is an excerpt with a link to the full story on the publication’s website, respectively.

“As the lanes on Highway 290 narrow from four to two, you pay less attention to the radio and more to the rolling green landscape of Bluebonnet Country. Before you know it, you’re in the middle of the Brazos Valley, a quaint area of Texas that often gets lost in the shuffle between the high energy and soaring rush of Houston and Austin.
But it’s here, among the wildflowers, railroad tracks, and blinking yellow stoplights that you can reconnect with the world. You’ll also be surprised to learn that the Brazos Valley Texas houses a Texas wine scene with unbelievable depth and variety. It doesn’t pretend to be Napa because it doesn’t have to be.
It’s also here where you can understand what it is to experience, not just visit, a small Texas town. In the Brazos Valley, you’ll find yourself hooked on the food and the wine, but you’ll keep coming back for the people you’re bound to meet.”
Read the FULL ARTICLE by following this link to MATADOR NETWORK