Jeremy Long

The Mob Museum

Located in the heart of downtown Las Vegas, The Mob Museum offers the opportunity to revisit the colorful and infamous stories and larger-than-life figures that helped shape the landscape of organized crime throughout the United States and the part that Las Vegas played in the grand scheme of this shadowy world. But this isn’t just … Read more

Red Rock Canyon Scenic Drive

Just west of Las Vegas, the Red Rock Canyon Scenic Drive offers visitors the chance to experience sweeping landscapes, numerous hiking trails, rocking climbing, and biking.

Din Tai Fung (Aria – Las Vegas)

I like to travel to places I find interesting, fully believing that not every trip needs to be an Instagrammable mountain pose followed by copy-and-pasted inspirational quote. When I get to these places, I like to kick back and enjoy a good cocktail. But not just any cocktail. An Old Fashioned. In fact, fair or … Read more

Nancy Hart War Woman_2

Nancy Hart: War Woman

Several British soldiers were knocking at the door. There were five or six of them, they were hungry and demanding food. The Revolutionary War had finally come to Elbert County, Georgia, but little did the Red Coats know that they were knocking on the door of Nancy Hart, the one local Native American tribes had … Read more

The ‘Mary Had a Little Lamb’ Controversy

It’s often the first nursery rhyme we learn as children. One of the first that our parents whisper into our ears as they rock us to sleep. “Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb. Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow.” Mick Jagger (maybe?) What will blow your mind … Read more

Daisy Ashford: The Nine Year Old, Best Selling Author

What were you doing at nine years old? Personally, I don’t remember much about being nine other than the fact that I was in fourth grade, I lived in Texas, and had a secret girlfriend that didn’t want anyone to know about us because all the other girls thought I was “weird” and she couldn’t … Read more

Downing Street Pour House

I like to travel to places I find interesting, fully believing that not every trip needs to be an Instagrammable mountain pose followed by copy-and-pasted inspirational quote. When I get to these places, I like to kick back and enjoy a good cocktail. But not just any cocktail. An Old Fashioned. In fact, fair or … Read more

Walled In: Julius Caesar’s Greatest Victory

Julius Caesar was in full-blown superstar mode in Rome. It was 58 B.C and he was the kid who couldn’t lose. Caesar had just been appointed proconsul (governor) of three Roman provinces, an office usually held for one year that he would hold on to for nearly five. Oh, and he was the head of … Read more

“This is the Beverage of the Friends of God”

Modern coffee, that mystical nectar of the gods, has its roots in several legends and folklore. According to legend, the modern-day Oromo people of Ethiopia were the first to recognize the energizing effects of the coffee plant. A different legend tells of 9th-century goatherd Kaldi, who noticed how excited his goats got when they nibbled … Read more

Cancelled: when Religion Stopped the Olympic Games

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused hardship and heartache around the world, including the halt of live sporting events like the 2020 Olympic Games for fear of spreading the disease. In ancient times though, only one thing could stop the Olympic Games dead in their tracks: a rule from on high by a religious emperor. Olympic … Read more

The Battle of the Wilderness Fist Fight that Stopped the Civil War

In May 1864, Union forces met the armies of the Confederacy at a dense wooded area known as “The Wilderness.” An estimated 160,000 – 185,000 men converged on a clearing, Saunders Field, near the middle of the forest and for three days unleashed hell upon one another. Who could have guessed that in the middle … Read more

History Of The Old Mormon Fort and the birthplace of Las Vegas

Over 40 million people a year visit the shining star of the desert, Las Vegas, all in hopes of winning big. A never-ending flow of alcohol and entertainment have pushed Las Vegas into an almost mythical stratosphere of destinations that most folks feel the need to visit before they die. But it hasn’t always been … Read more

Interview: ‘Marketing is art meets math meets psychology’ interview with James Kaatz of Illumination Marketing

James Kaatz, the co-founder and CEO of Illumination Marketing in Houston, Texas, gives incredible insight into marketing and advertising for other business owners.

Kaatz talks about his beginnings in professional wrestling and how those early years helped to mold his approach to marketing. He also speaks about the dynamics of working with his wife and company co-founder Angela Kaatz and the practical steps they use to keep the peace in their personal lives and business. Finally, Mr. Kaatz lays out some effective ways businesses can market themselves in today’s landscape.

Guest Bio

All throughout the last several years, James Kaatz has met a tremendous amount of small-business owners and entrepreneurs, some of them incredibly bright and talented. In talking with these inspirational people, he noticed that several of them had a common problem: they couldn’t figure out how to get a sustainable amount of new customers to really grow their businesses to the next level. This is where his passion met need.

Along with his wife, Angela, they decided to get into the business of helping people! We took the dive, and became the very proud co-founders of Illumination Marketing! Pulling between their experience, they’ve been helping people with businesses of all kinds. They use the principals of marketing to enhance customer acquisition/retention for restaurants, bars, dentist offices, primary care doctors, automotive dealerships, real estate agents, and personal branding clients.

Grow your revenue with Illumination Marketing online

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Find Illumination Marketing and their “Marketing Monday” series on LinkedIn

“Most Of Us Play Too Small” – Unscaled Interview with Kylie Menz “The Cashflow Queen”

Tragedy can touch our lives in the blink of an eye and change us forever. However, it’s often up to us whether that change is for the positive or not.

After a series of heartbreaks and early life setbacks, Kylie Menz decided to step out of her comfort zone in Australia and begin a new life for herself thousands of miles away. Along the way, as she traveled the world and tried her hand in the corporate world and then in entrepreneurship, she discovered her “why” and a new found commitment to helping others.

This is an incredibly powerful discussion about loss, positive outlooks, and finding your own reasons for the choices you make.


Kylie Menz, a speaker and online business growth strategist, is known as “The Cashflow Queen”.

With over 10+ years Sales & Marketing Business Experience she empowers experts to create a bigger impact through building their online income streams.

Kylie is passionate about working less and earning more through developing marketing systems, online signature programs and strategies to create cashflow in your business.

She works with service based professionals and entrepreneurs who want to grow their existing business, as well as millionaires who want to launch new income streams online, with the ability to create successful £10k, £35k and even £67k launches getting their ROI fast.

She is a passionate, straight talking “no-fluff” type of coach, that prides herself on being all about creating the strategy first but then IMPLEMENT IMPLEMENT IMPLEMENT!

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Review: Saal Digital Photobook a high-end Treat

Heads up, this is a Saal Digital review of their line of photobooks. If you’re like millions of people around the globe, you’ve probably got hundreds, if not thousands, of memories stored on your phone in the form of images you’ve snapped from months (or years) ago. You’ve shared them on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, … Read more

Hoover Dam

Thirty miles southeast of Las Vegas stands one of America’s most recognizable modern engineering marvels. Hosting over a million visitors each year, this breathtaking monolithic structure has remained one of the most popular tourist destinations in the United States since its completion over 80 years ago. For nearly three decades engineers researched the Boulder Canyon … Read more

Relaxing at Lake Tahoe

I booked our Airbnb in December for a vacation in July. I have to tell you that was a long time to anxiously wait for what I hoped would be an incredible family vacation. In fact, this was my first booking with Airbnb and I was pleasantly surprised about how easy it was to book … Read more